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That has brought us all so close to one-another?

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The Futility of American Flags and "God Bless America":

An Essay on the True Patriot

by Ben Salitros

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-Thomas Jefferson

Patriotism is a term that has been used loosely as of late. In times of crisis, everyone seems to fall into line-flags in hand. People call themselves patriots because they own a flag and can sing "God Bless America," but these people cannot conceive the real concept of patriotism. Patriots are unafraid to fight for their own moral convictions and ideals, but more importantly, patriots are people who have an unadulterated devotion for their country. Symbols and rhetoric are overused and only promote mindless nationalism, for true patriots are people of action who are willing to fight for their convictions and for their country.

Many Americans try to display their patriotism by overusing symbols and rhetoric that only promote mindless nationalism. While there is nothing at all harmful about American flags and hopeful rhetoric, there is also no resolution in waving a flag. After the tragedy that occurred on September 11, I cannot turn around without seeing or hearing "God Bless America." While the media presents these hollow sentiments to be "unifying" the nation, this kind of rhetoric is a far cry from patriotism. I now see people who before September 11th, would not have flown an American flag on the 4th of July, but now they have the banner hung over their door. The mob mentality of America has turned the proud symbol of our nation, the American Flag, into basically a symbol of the horrible tragedy that took place on the 11th of September. But patriotism is a belief, not just a "fad."

The truly distasteful take on the terrorist attacks was that of the abuse from the media. All forms of media around the country have completely changed their format to selling nationalism. Waving flags now follow news broadcasts; local businesses, banks, and restaurants are now trying to attract customers with nationalistic rhetoric, and television commercials show images of tragedy and American flags followed by corporate logos in a new fashion to make money. The day after the attack on America, I was watching CNN. Subway was the sponsor, and their commercial consisted of thirty seconds of an American flag waving in silence; this sequence was immediately followed by Subway's logo. I could not help thinking how abusive this advertisement was to a tragic situation. People died, and Subway did not waste any time to exploit a fragile America. This despicable use of tragedy to make money shows that few know true patriotism.

True patriots are people of action. A patriot does not need symbols and redundant quotations to demonstrate devotion to country. Patriots not only express their views, but they act on them as well. Perhaps the greatest patriots of all time, the American revolutionaries, displayed real patriotism by declaring independence, but then they also formed alliances, formed government, and fought for their beliefs in a war that lasted eight years. Another generation of selfless patriots, sometimes hailed as "the greatest generation," signed themselves to die in World War II to save the ideals of peace and the free world. More recent examples of selfless patriotism are the firefighters who went into a collapsing World Trade Center to save the thousands still trapped inside. True patriots are people of action.

There is a very distinct difference between mindless nationalism and true patriotism. While nationalists will preach their pre-manufactured values, patriots will act on noble causes. These patriots are government officials who still believe in their country enough to fight for the people instead of against them. John McCain, a true patriot, not only fought for his country in the Vietnam War, but also fought to end corruption in campaign finance and struggled for a patients' bill of rights. Patriots truly believe in their convictions and country. These patriots are soldiers who are willing to die in order to fight for a just cause that they know is bigger than them. True patriots do not just lecture someone else's values; they act on their own convictions to bring resolve.

Patriots are willing to lead and fight for their convictions and country. Patriots do not back down from a battle that needs to be won. They stand up and fight, but not because they are ordered too; they fight to stand up against oppression; they fight because it is the right thing to do. Patriots are soldiers who sign on for more than money or the experience, but for a noble cause that they believe in. These patriots are the World War-II soldiers who stood up against fascism to protect Great Britain, France, and America. Patriots stand by their convictions to lead for the common good. Thomas Jefferson stood up for the rights of the American when he wrote that all men are born with "certain unalienable rights," and "all men are created equal." The civil rights movement of the 1960s, led by the patriot Martin Luther King Jr., also fought oppression for equal rights amongst all people. Patriots stand by and fight for their convictions.

Military service is the ultimate display of patriotism. The military is the only occupation where completely inexperienced people, still considered children in most respects, apply for a major commitment that involves sacrificing their lives, if asked to, in order to protect the common welfare of the nation. My father believed in America enough to enlist in possibly America's ugliest war, the Vietnam War. At that time in his life, my father needed to understand, first hand, why his friends were dying. Another patriot, to a lesser extent, is my brother, for he signed on to the National Guard. While the National Guard may not be as life threatening as full time military, it is a service that protects the American people. I have trouble with the idea of handing over my life to my country, but I certainly do appreciate the people that are strong enough to be true patriots. Military servicemen are great assets to America because a country that was founded by patriots must sustain its existence with patriotism.

Many people overuse symbols and rhetoric that only promote mindless nationalism, for the true patriots are people of action and are willing to fight for their convictions and for their country. Many Americans are overusing the symbols for America, but flags and rhetoric are far from true patriotism. Corporations are taking advantage of the disaster on September 11th by using common symbols and rhetoric to make money. The true patriots are the people who do more than preach someone else's values; true patriots are people of action. True patriots believe in their convictions and their country enough to fight for them. The true patriots are leaders and fighters for the common good, for patriots stand up to fight oppression. B.C. Forbes differentiates the common man and the patriot with one key element, resolution.

"No man can fight his way to the top and stay at the top without exercising the fullest measure of grit, courage, determination, resolution. Without resolution, no man can win any worthwhile place among his fellow man."

The true patriots do fight to the top because they believe enough in their convictions to achieve resolution. Waving American flags and saying "God Bless America" is futile when considering the patriots stand up and fight for their convictions and their country. Americans often forget what true patriotism is, and in most cases Americans do not need to know the full extent of being a patriot. But it is important for Americans to know that there are true patriots fighting everyday to protect the common man. In times of crisis, people tend to confuse nationalism with patriotism. So wave the flag and say, "God Bless America," but also recognize and respect the true patriots, for they are the honest heroes of this nation.



©2002 mike elfers