In 50 days.. I shall be a man...
by the Mike
Thursday sucks. Poems are rackin' up.. and my SENIOR PAPER about COINTELPRO is on the brain. Read them and tell me what you think. More updates soon.. if anyone is even reading this. -Mike
Me love you long time
by the Mike
Woah, it's been a while. Just because you all waited for my return I added a poetry section to the brain, and some fancy artwork on my index page. The Floral Shop essay, as well as an online version of my senior paper are all on the way. Bizznatches. I'm 18 now and the porn stores are like a new world to me! No I will not buy you smokes... -Mike
Leader of the gay parade in Wayne, America.
by the Mike
Large essay coming up soon about bondage in Wayne Floral Shops. I just finished putting up a piece by Greg Graffin. Very funny and interesting.. Just in time for Bad Religions new album... if you don't have it yet you are fucking lame. Check it out.. It is very very good. HTML page should actually have some play soon and my guestbook works now so sign it.. bastards. -Mike
Two updates... Two Days.
by the Mike
Okay I'm comin back to yall. Out of webdesign class by the way.. so lets all give a friendly freedon of speech "fuck yah!" with me. Check out THE BRAIN for some new gathered reading on the Flat Earth Society... and while your at it find and download the song by Bad Religion... it kicks ass. I found out today that I have enough credits to graduate already.. all I hafta do is show up to school for the rest of the semester... this is going to hurt me more that it hurts you. -Mike
Put off, but who cares?
by the Mike
Mike has been the worst webmaster of all time.. Tied up in Same Old Crap and The Purple Monkey Dishwashers' pages, I have forgot to update. Page should be up to speed again soon... but pictures of the month for a few months have been carelessly skipped. Sorry. -Mike
A final shot for a sweet webpage.
by the Mike
Alright, so I am finally taking one more try at getting this whole sweet webpage thing. Hopefully I've got it... I guess we'll have to see. This page is going to contain alot more stuff in it for your enjoyment and it might even contain worthwhile information in it!
Awws yeah. I have my October Pictures of the month up, not many, a few from homecoming, and my sweet monthly tour of our one act play. I also have my mullet of the month up and a few more hott chicks on my friends page. CHECK BACK OFTEN DUDE! - Mikey
I'm sorry I havent updated in so long.. I've been a bad webmaster. I updated my friends page a bit and will make a small substitute for the october pictures of the month and tour of the month because I was too busy with one acts, work, the band, and checking out hott chicks to get it done. Make sure to check back soon! - Mike
Sup. New interface, same ol' Mike. SOC t-shirts got banned in school. FUNNY. Homecoming is this next weekend and I am going stag, (alone), no its on purpose... seriously!! :) The page will be updated accordingly and I'll make sure to warn you here when all the stupid stuff comes for your enjoyment. Check out all the pages they are basically done. -MIKE
| Holy MOTHER! My page is HELLA updated! Go to images for TONS of pics of me, pictures of the month, my first tour, and the mullet of the month! Go to Friends page for a TON of pics including some hot chicks! Go to my music section to learn about like 50 bands I listen to, and check out my updated links and home video section containing all of my sweet webcam videos! holy moly holy moly!!! |
Holy mother of jophisticats! Brand new movies have been taped specifically for my page! There will be an entire HOME VIDEO section up real soon.. but for now, download them here. Mike's Victory Dance Mrs. Hefner is mad. Mrs. Hefner's Version of THE TURKEY CALL! A one Mike stand.
Sooner or later I'll have some more movies on here... as soon as Ms. Hefner, (the lady to make the offgod growling noise after my turkey call), lets me. Which is now never. I have started working on the friends page, i have a mullet of the month and october tour on the pictures page. More updates soon to come. Email me at or add me to msn and get me a pic so I can put you on my friends page! love, peace, and chicken grease...
Aight I am really trying to make this page cool. Not only do we have the turkey call above, but we also have a countdown clock, a new tour in the Pictures section, and some more to come there as well as mullet sightings, and other special pictures. CHECK THE SHIZNIT OUT!
Okay so like the page is going to take a large boom and stuff now. I decided I wanted to make it quote "cool". I am adding large picture archives to the picture pages, sweet downloads, possibly movies of the goat, and pictures of all of my friends. Multimedia is the source of the future, and my "30 TIGHT PIX OF THE MONTH" section will raise all three eyebrows on your head.
Turkey Call - mpeg: 117kb.
| Just to prove it, and to make Nate happy, download my Turkey Call today. Either click this link to stream, or right click and save link to own one of Mike's only talents.
~seanmichael |
Wussap, peeps, and welcome to my new personal webpage. I am making it for web design class. Look around on the page everything is about done.